Oli kyllä hienoa nähdä putkeen kolme viimeisintä uutisotsikkoa "Matt Hardy arrested", "More on Hardy Arrest" ja "Hardy Fired". Tässä PWInsiderin katsaus tilanteeseen:
PWInsider kirjoitti:In the wake of his arrest this afternoon for DWI, Matt Hardy has been released by TNA.
In a statement made to TMZ.com, an unnamed TNA Spokesperson commented, "TNA today released Impact Wrestling star Matt Hardy from its roster. Hardy was already under suspension from the company."
PWInsider.com has independently confirmed Hardy's release.
According to sources this evening, the original plan had been for Matt and Jeff Hardy to return to TNA storylines around Bound for Glory this October. Obviously, that is out the window. Jeff Hardy's status with the company is unchanged as TNA will be releasing a DVD on his career this Fall and have also licensed him out for several new products, including children's Halloween costumes.
Matt Hardy had been sent home from TNA this past June, with the official reason being excessive lateness to events, although it was believed that was a cover story and the real suspension was due to a video Hardy posted online that featured an inebriated Jeff Hardy and both Hardys using a Tazer on Matt's girlfriend, Lucha Libre USA's Reby Sky. Hardy never acknowledged he was suspended, instead stating publicly he was taking some time off.
Hardy joined TNA this past January after being released by WWE in October 2010 following a series of incidents that caused him to be sent home from a company tour of Europe. Hardy walked out of an event in White Plains, NY after officials voiced concern about his condition. During the European tour, Hardy's condition caused him to be sent home. When PWInsider.com broke the story, Hardy responded with a rambling video posted online claiming that the stories couldn't be true because he was still in Europe. He never wrestled for WWE again, being officially released several weeks later.
On August 19th, Hardy wrote on his Twitter account, "It's time for me to get back to a healthy, happy place, the transformation his now started for me, for us-(New Chapter Will begin new)"
In the wake of all the Hardy news, Matt Hardy is now trending on Twitter in the United States.
Hardyhan juuri twiittaili aikovansa palata kehään, ja alkuperäinen suunnitelma oli tuoda hänet ja Jeff takaisin ruutuun Bound for Gloryn korvilla. Sen järkevyydestä en nyt tiedä, kun Jeffin oikeudenkäynti on tietääkseni edelleen ratkomatta, mutta kaipa se Hardy Boyzin matsi olisi kortissa hyvältä näyttänyt...
...Mistä päästäänkin siihen, että Jeffin tilanne yhtiössä on edelleen tästä tapauksesta huolimatta muuttumaton, ja äijä on tarkoitus vielä tuoda takaisin. Kyseessä lienee yksinkertaisesti liian arvokas nimi firmalle, kun nytkin olisi DVD:tä ja lasten Halloween-asua tulossa.
MaHa oli kamalassa kunnossa WWE:stä lähtiessään, että treenasi itsensä melko nopeasti kuntoon, ja oli TNA:ssa jopa ihan ok midcard-painija. Sitten päätti lähteä (taas) rocktähti-linjalle, mutta koska hän on bändin komppikitaristi ja Jeff keulahahmo, oli Mattille paljon helpompi antaa kengänkuva persuuksille. En varsinaisesti jää kaipaamaan, toivottavasti TNA:n rahalliset menetykset eivät ole valtaisat.