Nykyään aika harvoin katselen mitään painiin liittyvää, mutta kai sitä vähintään kerran kuukaudessa tulee Stenkun videoita youtubesta katseltua. Bisneksen ehdoton legenda, josta nousi oma ylivoimainen suosikkipainija vasta youtuben löytämisen jälkeen.

"All you Sacramento scumbacks! All you Sacramento white trash who are waiting for Diamond Dallas Page to show-up: He's not coming, 'cause I put him in to hospital! I gave Diamond Dallas Trash the fair warning that he wasn't a big enough, a strong enough or a smart enough to take on the great athlete like myself. But he let his ego to get on way of things, and he wanted to defend honor of his wife... But now I get the honor to get on her and off her for 30 days and 30 nights! And she will tell me that I'm the daddyy! And after those 30 days and 30 nights I take your wife to nirvana and she will call me; Big Bad Booty Daddy. So as you're at the hospital screaming in pain, your wife going to be on her back screaming my name! This goes to all my freaks out there; HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME!"
^^ Ulkomuistista, mutta muistaakseni Sacramento promo meni noin, mitä nyt hiukan puuttuu lopusta vittuilua Goldbergille. Onhan tuo kyseinen pätkä tullut nähtyä varmaan 100 kertaa.